Break free from email overload

Written by
Oct 17, 2024
Internal Communication

We get it. Email is like the old reliable friend of communication tools. It’s there for you, day or night, but sometimes ... it's a little too much. For internal communications teams, relying solely on email to engage employees is like trying to run a marathon in flip-flops. Sure, you’ll get there eventually, but it’s not the smoothest or most effective way to do it.

So, how do we break up with email - or at least, stop relying on it so much - and embrace more dynamic, engaging ways to connect? Here are some tips to help your internal comms team diversify communication methods and make your workplace buzz with energy.

Start with a purpose: is this really an email?

Before hitting 'send,' ask yourself: does this really need to be an email? If the answer is “no,” congratulations. You’ve taken the first step to cutting email overload. Instead of defaulting toemail, consider alternative channels - maybe it's a quick instant message, a video update, or a face-to-face (or virtual) chat.

Pro tip: Build a communications strategy that clearly defines when and how to use different tools - email, intranet, Teams, and more - so the team knows which platform to use and when.

Leverage your intranet

Your intranet isn’t just a place where files go to die. It’s an underutilised platform that can host a wealth of information, from company updates to social channels where employees can chat and share news. By moving regular updates here, you cut down on email clutter and create a go-to hub for information.

Pro tip: Explore a range of cutting-edge platforms that truly bring employee communications and experiences to life. Streamline your channels into a single, cohesive platform, offering everything you need in one place. Platforms like Interact, Staffbase, Poppulo, Workvivo, and Simpplr provide versatile tools to elevate engagement and simplify communication.

Bring your messages to life

Let’s face it: no one wants to read a long email. But most of us will happily watch a short video. Instead of crafting yet another email newsletter, create a short, snappy video update. It's a more engaging way to share important news, and it gives employees a chance to see leadership and team members in action, making the message feel more personal.

Pro tip: Keep videos short and sweet-under three minutes - and add subtitles so employees can watch on the go, even with the sound off.

Collaborate in real time

Does your team really need to go back and forth via email to plan the company picnic? Instead, embrace collaboration tools like Microsoft Teams or Slack. These platforms make real-time communication easy and help avoid long, confusing email chains. You can also integrate project management tools to keep everything organised and transparent.

Pro tip: Set team guidelines on when to use messaging tools versus email. Quick updates? Use chat. Need formal documentation? That’s where email comes in.

Create a comms hub

Instead of sending out multiple emails about events, company news, or team updates, create a centralised hub where employees can find all key information. Whether it's a dedicated section on your intranet or a weekly newsletter-style update that directs employees to resources, having a one-stop shop for comms ensures employees aren't overwhelmed with a constant barrage of emails.

Pro tip: Use creative ways to guide people to the comms hub - teasers, GIFs, or shoutouts in meetings. Make checking it out part of the daily routine.

Host engaging townhalls

When’s the last time you hosted a townhall? Sometimes, hearing important updates directly from leadership or employees themselves is much more effective than reading through an email. Use town halls to deliver big news or organisational changes in an interactive, engaging format that allows for Q&A, feedback, and discussions.

Pro tip: Consider rotating departments or teams to present at townhalls, making it a collaborative, company-wide event that highlights different voices.

Push notifications

Gone are the days when everyone was glued to their email all day. Now, employees are checking messages on the go or between meetings. Consider using push notifications from your intranet app or messaging platforms to share important updates in real-time. This avoids the inbox flood and keeps communication timely and relevant.

Pro tip: Use push notifications sparingly for big announcements, deadlines, or emergency updates. Too many, and they’ll lose their effectiveness.

Measure what matters

How do you know if your communications are actually being seen? With email, you can track opens and clicks, but it's time to start thinking bigger. Use analytics from all your communication platforms - videos, intranet, messaging tools- to track engagement, feedback, and interactions. This will give you a clearer picture of what’s working and what’s not, allowing you to adjust accordingly.

Pro tip: Share these insights with your team and leadership to demonstrate the impact of diversified communication strategies.

Final thoughts

Email isn’t going anywhere, but it also shouldn’t be the default for everything. By adopting a multi-channel approach to internal communications, you’ll create a more engaged, connected workplace that’s less bogged down by inbox fatigue. The key is using the right tool for the right message and keeping your team’s communication vibrant, interactive, and fun.

Ready to break up with email overload? Let’s start now - without an email! Give us a call on +971506005508.

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