How internal comms drives employee experience

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Oct 17, 2024
Employee Experience

Employee experience (EX) is a buzzword we hear often - but what does it truly mean for your organisation, and how can internal communications (IC) play a critical role in shaping it? Simply put, employee experience refers to the total journey an employee takes from recruitment and their first day on the job ... to their last. A key driver of that journey? Effective internal communications.

When done well, internal comms doesn't just inform - it engages, aligns, and empowers employees, creating a workplace where people feel valued and motivated. Let’s dive into how internal comms can enhance the employee experience and why it’s so crucial to your organisation’s success.

1. Building trust and transparency

At its core, internal comms serves as a bridge between leadership and employees. Transparency is one of the most powerful tools to build trust within an organisation, and clear, consistent communication helps foster that trust. When employees feel that leadership is open about the company’s goals, challenges, and successes, they’re more likely to feel a deeper connection to the organisation. This sense of transparency helps employees feel that they are valued, heard, and part of something bigger.

Pro tip: Regular updates via town halls, newsletters, or interactive platforms help keep employees informed and engaged. This openness strengthens trust, which is a key component of a positive employee experience.

2. Promoting a sense of belonging

Internal communications play a key role in reinforcing organisational culture and values. Employees who feel connected to their company’s mission and values are more likely to be engaged and satisfied in their roles. By consistently communicating the organisation’s values through storytelling, employee recognition, and leadership messaging, IC can foster a sense of belonging. Recognising employees for their contributions is an essential part of building a positive workplace culture.

Pro tip: Whether through shoutouts in team meetings or company-wide newsletters, recognising individual and team accomplishments through internal comms can create a sense of pride and belonging, which is fundamental to a strong employee experience.

3. Enhancing employee retention

Employees who feel disconnected from their work are more likely to leave. Internal comms can mitigate this by providing employees with the information, tools, and support they need to thrive. Clear communication about career development opportunities, company updates, and expectations keeps employees engaged and motivated to stay with the company. When employees are engaged and informed, they feel more connected to their roles, which directly impacts retention​.

Pro tip: Effective internal comms ensures that employees know what’s happening, understand how they contribute to the organisation’s success, and feel like they’re growing in their roles.

4. Empowering employees through two-way communication

Gone are the days when internal comms was a one-way street. To truly drive employee experience, IC must be a two-way conversation. Employees want to feel heard, and giving them platforms to share feedback, ask questions, and offer ideas is crucial. When employees know their voice matters, they feel more invested in their work.

Pro tip: Encouraging open dialogue through internal social platforms, suggestion boxes, or regular employee surveys can empower employees and foster a culture of openness. This level of engagement transforms internal communications into a tool for boosting morale, innovation, and productivity.

5. Supporting change management

Internal comms is instrumental during times of change. Whether it's a company-wide restructuring, the introduction of new technologies, or a shift in leadership, change can be unsettling for employees. A well-planned IC strategy helps employees navigate change smoothly by providing clear, concise, and consistent updates, addressing concerns, and outlining the benefits of change.

Pro tip: By guiding employees through the process, internal comms can minimise confusion and anxiety, ensuring that employees feel supported and engaged throughout the transition.


Internal communications isn’t just about sharing information - it’s about creating a meaningful connection between employees and the organisation. By building trust, fostering a sense of belonging, and ensuring that employees feel heard and valued, internal comms becomes the foundation of an exceptional employee experience. Ultimately, an engaged and satisfied workforce translates into higher productivity, improved retention, and a stronger company culture.

Ready to elevate your employee experience? Start by strengthening your internal comms strategy. It’s not just about what you say, it’s about how you connect. Email us at

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